Roblox The Downfall And My Experience With It


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    Hello My Name Is Jacob. I'm 18 years old almost 19 as November 5th. I have come to tell my you my experience with Roblox and it's platform. Is it a good gaming platform for players and being creative. Well it depends on your point of view. I think was good gaming platform for it times as it has not aged well. Their a lot problems that need to be fixed with roblox. I can give you a few. Example one, minecraft always listens to their community unlike roblox does not for some reason.  As much as you try to communicate with the people that run roblox you always feel like a bot is replaying in your email. 

    I started playing roblox before I played minecraft that was back in 10/15/12. I have been playing roblox for that long and was a strong member of the community.  I slowed down playing the one because of school and another reason was because it was the removal of Tixs or Tickets. I get why they did it so they can make more money but not everyone is going to spend money on their game especially if its a free to play game.  Then Artho came am I didn't enjoy it started to feel less and less like roblox. Do you know what roblox stands for robots and blocks, not these humanoid looking character things.

    Then the major downfall happened. My account was stolen since 2016 around 2017. I'm never going to get back and roblox doesn't want to listen. All my memories and everything I have earned on roblox and has been ripped away from me and knowing some filthy hackers has their hands on my account. I have tried everything to get account back and never. If you ever see account that has the name 2Jacob0 and it online dont interact with it. If it's ever online. Now i use my account Commander_Mooreyt and it doesn't feel the same. The that I have proof that its mine account I have a really old video of me playing with that account. Plus 2Jacob0, the 2 and the 0 is actually 20 standing for my house number. 

    My uncle created my account and it broke his computer a week later. This was when roblox had some sort pf virus that breaks computers. I don't feel like roblox is safe platform with to many hackers and with it not being watched by the devs and making sure its safe. They did just released a game about  hackers and telling the viewer what a rubox scam is because that going to scar all the scammer, If you do play roblox be safe and make sure you account is secured. You don't your account being stole like what happen to me. It will hurt a lot just have something with all of your memories on it.
